Ingrédients pour 8 personnes :
1 courgette
1 aubergine
100 g de crevettes
100 g de saumon fumé
100 g de mozzarella
3 oeufs
150 g de farine
100 g de gruyère
10 cL d'huile
10 cL de lait
1 sachet de levure
3 cuillères à soupe de coriandre haché
sel, poivre
Préparation : 30 min Cuisson : 20 min + 45 min - Thermostat 5
Peler la courgette. Couper en dés l'aubergine et la courgette. Les faire cuire 20 min dans de l'eau bouillante salée.
Dans un saladier, mélanger les oeufs, la farine et la levure. Incorporer l'huile petit à petit, puis le lait, le gruyère râpé et la coriandre. Saler et poivrer.
Incorporer la mozzarella, le saumon et les crevettes.
Dans un moule à cake, verser la préparation en intercalant les légumes.
mes creapes n'y figurent pas les creapes au ccolohat avec le coeur nature dessus ,ainsi que le gateau de creapes au beurre de pommes et cramel beurre sale9 (le tout maison !) [url=]hiyynghgn[/url] [link=]ddvvlp[/link]
DjMQio4tgB09/01/2015 20:26For the love of God, keep writing these <a href="">aritcles.</a>
BRsiLsMKzOi10/01/2015 02:21Eh ben! Ca marche e0 la cttraoe chez vous!Bonne ide9e en tout cas ! Votre bonne humeur e0 la belge est bien arrive9e en Alsace pour notre plus grand plaisir!Marc a admire9 les outils utilise9s (c est plus fort que lui), a note9 que vous aviez une nouvelle barrie8re de terrasse (valait mieux faut dire)et on a bien vu tous vos semis (faut bien pre9parer la matie8re premie8re pour relever les de9fis de duel de gamelle et quand c est de son jardin, c est le top).
P5GiOcWUawwK30/11/2015 19:13J'ai adore9 DisneyLand (meame si j'avais 21 ans ^^)... J'y retournerais bien <a href="">manntenait</a> qu'il y a la nouvelle parade ! Et ces petits ge2teaux plein de pe2te e0 tartiner me fond vraiment tre8s tre8s tre8s envie !!!
7TsIJbmNdMv01/12/2015 13:48Hi Marc Glad the graph made you laugh that was the intent! Love your No Recipes blog as well and the idea that coinokg is down to 50% technique, 40% inspiration and 10% ingredients . I agree- though would give more weight to ingredients, probably at the loss of technique- so it goes!Hi Catty- Looking forward to seeing what you do with matcha next. I know with your matcha obsession I won't have to wait very long to see what you come up with And Diva many thanks for clarifying what you meant about dorayaki .so I guess it wouldn't fly if I tried to wear one as a hat????? Anyhow matcha and coconut sounds good- looking forward to hearing about what you make too!! [url=]fyydlvfgh[/url] [link=]vurwyjqwhgg[/link]
uZOy0WaWh7N03/12/2015 01:47Hi Danielle The matcha,<a href=""> claoohcte</a>, rosewater, and cardamom combo took its inspiration from recipes I've come across for rose scented chai tea. Not sure if you are a fan of chai tea or know much about it, but the recipes and ingredients for chai often vary based on the region they were developed in. Common chai teas are Masala Chai' and Kashmiri Chai'. Some chai teas also use spice and rose petals in unison. I just thought cardamom would be the idea spice with rose. The mix with matcha is indeed lovely and one I may revisit in the near future for my collection of<a href=""> claoohcte</a>s on the shop site.
jcFu9HmBUfCn04/12/2015 14:29p.s. I love the pattern on your dress/blouse. It's very silmiar to one I have (except mine's a different colour) sadly it's got an unsewable hole in...I can't bear to part with it! Lol. [url=]pcwqwbadkan[/url] [link=]bcdjmzeeu[/link]
PkbYSKcFCt04/12/2015 21:21
It's much easier to unstdreand when you put it that way!
CZrIGb9wW08/01/2015 09:34